Bahasa Sasak: Angka Dalam Bahasa Sasak
Sasak Indonesia English
Sekeq Satu One
Dua Dua Two
Telu Tiga Three
Empat Empat Four
Lima Lima Five
Nem Enam Six
Pituq Tujuh Seven
Baluq Delapan Eight
Siwaq Sembilan Nine
Sepulu Sepuluh Ten
Solas Sebelas Eleven
Due olas Dua belas Twelve
Telu olas Tiga belas Thirteen
Siwaq olas Sembilan belas Nineteen
Due pulu / due dase Dua puluh Twenty
Dua pulu sekeq/ selikur
Dua puluh satu Twenty
Dua pulu dua / dua likur Dua puluh dua Twenty two
Due pulu telu / telu
likur Dua puluh tiga Twenty three
Due pulu empat / empat
likur Dua puluh empat Twenty four
Due pulu lime / lime
likur / selae Dua puluh lima Twenty five
Due pulu nem / nem likur
Dua puluh enam Twenty
Due pulu pituq / pituq
likur Dua puluh tujuh Twenty seven
Due pulu baluq / baluq
likur Dua puluh delapan Twenty eight
Due pulu siwaq / siwaq
likur Dua puluh sembilan Twenty nine
Telung dase Tiga puluh Thirty
Telung dase sekeq Tiga puluh satu Thirty one
Telung dase empat Tiga puluh empat Thirty four
Empat pulu / petang dase
Empat puluh Fourty
Lima pulu / seket Lima puluh Fifty
Nem pulu Enam puluh Sixty
Siwaq pulu Sembilan puluh Ninety
Satus Seratus One
Satus sepulu
Seratus sepuluh One
hundred and ten
Satus lime olas Seratus
lima belas One hundred
Satus selae Seratus dua puluh lima One hundred twenty five
Satus telung
dase Seratus tiga puluh One hundred and thirty
Karubelah Seratus lima puluh One hundred and fifty
Satak Dua ratus Two
Satak seket Dua ratus lima puluh Two hundred fifty
Telungatus Tiga ratus Three
Samas Empat ratus Four
Lime ratus Lima ratus Five
Nem ratus Enam ratus Six
Siu Seribu One
are the example expressions for daily activity that using the number,
Pire ajin potlot tie ?--------------------------------------------------How much the price of the pencil?
Pire ajin potlot tie ?--------------------------------------------------How much the price of the pencil?
mauq te telu------------------------------------------------------One thousand
for three
ke ngoneq pelungguh yaq ndot leq balen tiang ?-------How long you will stay in
my home?
jelo---------------------------------------------------------------- I will
stay here for six days
umur pelungguh ?----------------------------------------------How old are you?
tiang nem likur taun------------------------------------------I am twenty six
years old
you make your own expression with the number?
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