Talking to Turis Belgia

It sounds a litle NDESO, but you know?
I've talked with a couple of tourist at the end of a year, they come from Belgium. What dialogue that I have taken? Here we go . . .

Prologue: this dialogue took place in BEMO, when I was MUDIK-ing (Grammar: S+was+Verb-ing). A couple of tourist get in with 3 big 'ransel' and 2 shape of surfing board, they have a sit in front of me. Can you imagine what a full BEMO it was !  . . . tapi sebenarnya saya sudah dari awal ingin melakukan tegur sapa dengan turis tersebut, "bawaannya selalu ingin nyerocos kalo ketemu turis, meski sekedar yes-no", tapi mulut ini sungguh tak mampu ku arahkan dengan baik untuk sekedar mengeluarkan se-broken dua-broken kata. Untungnya si Turis mulai duluan. . . .ini dia ceritanya......cekidot
Female   : I'm sory,
D'Rinjani : Yes miss. Where are you going?

Female   : Kuta Beach

D'Rinjani: Ow, by the way where do you come from?
Female  : Belgium

D'Rinjani: Excuse me ? (Saya bingung cara turis itu menyebut kata "Belgium", di telinga saya kedengarannya Beljem)
Male      : Belgia,

D'Rinjani: Ow, Belgia.
Male      : Here is so hot, but it is magical you use a thick jacket in this condition.

D'Rinjani: Yeah but it is not realy hot for me, 
Sopir Bemo    : mbê leman unin tie, mas. Mbe yaqn laiq

D'Rinjani: Ye leman Belgia, yaq ne lalo jok Pante Kuta LOTENG.
Sopir Bemo: Coba ketuanan te, melen yaq tatong langsung kadu Bemo. Endengan te Rp. 150.000.

D'Rinjani: Do you want to go to Kuta by this vehicle?
Female  : Not realy, We will go to Bus Station, it will be cheaper. 

Male     : Do you know how much the cost to go there by Bus
D'Rinjani: Exactly no, but I think it might be THIRTY HUNDERD THOUSAND rupiah

Male:  Excuse me ???, (si Turis cowok bingung dan memberi isyarat dengan menuliskan angka ditangannya)
D'Rinjani: I mean Rp. 30.000.

Sopir Bemo: Ape unin tie?
D'Rinjani: Ndeqn mele, yaqm atong jok terminal doang unin, melen kadu Bus.

Male      : Have you gone to Kuta?
D'Rinjani: Yeah, about 5 times. And I have met with tourist from Canada. Where do you go next, I mean the next surfing destination?

Female   : I was in Bali, and We will try to go to Flores.
D'Rinjani : Wow, sounds great

Female   : Where will you go?D'Rinjani : I will go back to my beloved village, Bongkem in East Lombok. I'm sorry, I have to get out here, and hope you will enjoy your vacation.

Female : Thanks, happy new year.D'Rinjani: Thanks, have a nice day. happy new year endah

Female : Thank you
Sopir Bemo: Thank you mas, terima kasih

This is my story
What about you?

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